Pura-2-B-19 arrived at the Auckland Zoo Vet Hospital early this month for a full assessment and health check by our vet team after some concerning blood results when sampled on island. This assessment included supportive care, repeats of the blood tests as well as a CT scan. They are confident that this 6-month-old juvenile is fit and healthy, which is why he’s returning home to his whānau today.
Our vets describe Pura-2-B-19 as “A lovely relaxed boy who was very sweet and gentle to handle during his time in care. Although he was only with us for a short time, he made a big impact on his carers.” Both veterinary resident Lydia and bird keeper Jasmine were on Whenua Hou earlier this year to watch him hatch out on the 23rd March as a wee 25-gram chick – it has been a real treat to see how far he’s come!
Jasmine took this #keepercam of Pura-2-B-19 getting settled in the cabin, as she’s accompanying him all the way to Whenua Hou, to help our partners at the Department of Conservation's Kākāpō Recovery with monitoring all the juvenile kākāpō for the next two weeks.
We are now caring for 5 kākāpō at our Vet Hospital (2 adult and 3 juveniles) and we’ll keep you posted on their progress.