Why is living sustainably necessary?

Many of today’s environmental problems stem from our increasing loss of connection to our planet Earth and where we fit in the scheme of things.

This session explores what living sustainably looks like, with hands-on activities that help translate love and understanding into respectful action. Even small actions can contribute to big change, for good.

This education session aims to address this through exploring sustainability issues and how they are impacting specific animals and their natural habitats.

Younger students will discover how humans are affecting wildlife and wild places, and how we can begin to live sustainably to help the planet. Students will be engaged with interactive activities, storytelling and hands-on Zoo examples of sustainability.

Older students will explore the sustainability issues facing wildlife today, and will then have an opportunity for an interactive look at our sustainability strategies here at the Zoo. Students will be encouraged to take informed action - applying what they have learnt to make ethical decisions, make a difference in their own backyard and live sustainably.

Sessions with a Zoo Educator will last for approx. 45 minutes. Outside this time you are free to explore the Zoo. Most schools plan to arrive for 9:30am opening and leave by 2:00pm.

Learning outcomes: Year 0 - 2

  1. Fall in love with our Earth
  2. Understand in a basic way what Sustainability is
  3. Know at least one thing we can do to help look after our Earth

Learning outcomes: Year 3 - 6

  1. Apply the 5Rs of recycling as a tool for living sustainably
  2. Understand the difference between organic and inorganic waste
  3. Explore some ideas for composting at home or at school

Learning outcomes: Year 7 - 13

  1. List some of the strategies Auckland Zoo has in place in our quest to be a sustainable organisation
  2. Discuss ideas for personal actions they can take to live sustainably by applying the 7Rs of recycling

Primary and Intermediate (Year 0 - 8)

What do we want for our young people?  (New Zealand Curriculum, p8)

  1. Be actively involved – participate in a range of life contexts, contribute to the well-being of New Zealand – socially, culturally, economically and environmentally.
  2. This means Sustainability is a significant theme throughout the principles and values of the national curriculum in Aotearoa New Zealand and is important for a broad education. (New Zealand Curriculum, p16)

Secondary (Year 9 - 13)

Social Sciences

Understand how people's management of resources impacts on social and environmental sustainability

Science - Living World

Ecology: Investigate the interdependence of living things (including humans) in an ecosystem

Nature of Science: Communicating in science, participating and contributing

Education for Sustainability

Concepts - responsibility for action, sustainanability, interdependence, biodiversity, equity

We welcome teachers to pre-visit before their session.

Book a pre-visit here.

Email: conservationlearning@aucklandzoo.co.nz
(09) 360 3817
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