We’re excited to share that our stunning newly completed boardwalk that snakes across the Zoo’s lake and links up all our South East Asia habitats, is now open to visitors - bringing us another step closer to completing our South East Asia Jungle Track!

From the Track’s high canopy orangutan and siamang shared shelter, you and your whanau can now walk across the lake, experience being under the orangutan and siamang aerial pathways (where these primates may be swinging above you!) and take in the lush new plantings and wetlands.

You’ll get a closer view of progress on the swamp forest (tropical dome) habitat that will be home to crocodiles, fish, and other reptiles. Once across the lake, a linking pathway will take you down into the new lowland’s habitat for Asian small-clawed otters and Sumatran tigers.

While both habitats are still being completed, and tigers won’t arrive until a little later in 2022, from its visitor areas, this is your opportunity to explore and experience this deeply immersive and highly innovative habitat and see the final touches being completed, ahead of these animals moving in.

From tiger aerial walkways that link three diverse tiger habitats, to a central shared viewing shelter that offers 360 viewing, this rich and complex tiger habitat is designed to ensure the very best for these big cats and give you our visitors amazing opportunities to experience and connect with them.

We’re only closed Christmas Day, so there’s plenty of opportunity to book a visit if you’re in Auckland over the holidays. And be sure to stay tuned this summer – as we’ll share more progress updates on this already award-winning South East Asia Jungle Track.