We’re catching up with Primate keeper Grace to see how our cotton-top twins, Tito and Monito are doing.

The twins are over four months old now, and are quickly learning the ropes from their attentive parents - we’re pleased to say we now know they are both girls! 


Meet our growing cotton-top family!

Primate keeper Grace feeds our growing twins and their parents

We’re so lucky to have these twins at Auckland Zoo as their species are not faring so well. Over the past forty years they’ve lost 95% of their lowland forest homes to illegal logging in Colombia and are still losing 2,000 km2 of forest every year.

You can help all wildlife of these forests, whether they’re on the ground, in the air or amongst the trees, by purchasing products with the FSC or PEFC logo – a certification you can trust that guarantees the timber, paper, wood or even toilet paper that you’re buying is rainforest-friendly and deforestation-free!